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Tag: Hugo

Hugo - tip for bringing modified articles to the surface

(This post was automatically translated with I sometimes modify old articles to add new information and I was looking for a simple way to make them appear on the site and the RSS feed, without modifying my theme: All you have to do is add a lastmod attribute with the update date to the article metadata: ``yaml lastmod: “2023-08-22 Then modify the site's frontmatter conf, in the _.toml_ or _.

Deploying a static Hugo website on Github Pages

# Last updated: 01/11/2023 #

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The site you are viewing consists of a static Hugo website hosted on Github :

Github provides the ability to expose a static web site for each public repository in the account. All that is required is:

  • html+css in the repository;
  • The Github Pages feature enabled.

The static code of each repository will then be accessible at the url:

Hugo is a generator of static web sites : You write pages in markdown, you launch Hugo, and it generates all the html and the structure of site that Github will expose.

Memo: Mass production of favicons with Imagemagick + conf files for browsers

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Below I list a series of Imagemagick commands to generate all the favicon variants that a website can offer to browsers, from a good quality original.

I indicate at the end of the article the 2 conf files to update, as well as a modification of the Hugo theme, which will be useful for all browsers to find their little ones.